
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results for maybe:

... When you're young and starting out, you won't have $50,000, but probably only a few hundred or maybe a thousand dollars. If this is you, you could be paying fees of 10% or more. Even though fees above ... read more
... you've moved jobs, need to nominate a new super fund for your employer paid contributions, or maybe you're just looking around for a superannuation tune-up. What's in the Comparative Report ... read more
< Back to Media Centre Home Choosing the right super fund today can help your company attract better employees tomorrow Missed us at the Australian Payroll Association Conference? Download our presen ... read more
< Back to Media Centre Home Default Super doesn't have to be a lottery SelectingSuper Media Release - Thursday 7 February 2019 Choosing the wrong MySuper default superannuation product could cost ... read more
... you've moved jobs, need to nominate a new super fund for your employer paid contributions, or maybe you're just looking around for a superannuation tune-up. What's in the Comparative Report ... read more
Equip Super reduces admin fees, introduces insurance fee
27 June 2024, 12:47pm
While their administration fees will fall, from next week many Equip Super members will begin paying an insurance fee calculated at 4% of premiums. Read more

When comparing super funds and considering what is right for you, look for funds displaying the AAA Quality Assessment and Rainmaker SelectingSuper Award logos.